June 7, 2022
MacGregor has approved the broad use of RSC Bio’s FUTERRA HF 32 and 46 Hydraulic Fluids ISO viscosities 32 and 46 for all hydraulically driven cargo flow equipment on MacGregor RoRo (Roll On Roll Off) systems.

The primary reasons for approving Environmentally Acceptable Hydraulic Fluid Lubricants (EALs) from RSC Bio based on renewable resource based PAO and other synthetic hydrocarbon technologies are:
In addition to field proven performance, these products are US EPA VGP compliant, EU Ecolabel certified, and German Blue Angel listed.
There are no required design or material changes to cargo flow equipment because RSC Bio HEPR technology is broadly compatible with seal materials – most especially NBR type which is used extensively in MacGregor systems already. This facilitates changeover from non-environmental to environmental type lubricants more broadly as vessels seek ways to meet decarbonization goals and mandates.
FUTERRA hydraulic fluid longevity and stability meet or exceed MacGregor expected service interval requirements for RoRo systems (fill and forget).
FUTERRA HF 32 and 46 are drop in replacements for mineral oil, vegetable and synthetic ester based oils. As cargo flow systems are complex, this can greatly reduce the number of drain, flush and fill service cycles required to convert RoRo systems to EALs – saving labor and time.
FUTERRA 32 and 46 provide peace of mind in the event of a hydraulic system leak. On board, many hydraulic fluids can damage high value cargo – especially automotive cargo as FUTERRA is compatible with automotive car paint. Incidental discharges of environmentally acceptable lubricants are generally dealt with by maritime authorities less severely than discharges of conventional hydraulic fluids which sheen and negatively impact aquatic life.
MacGregor has also approved the use of ENVIROLOGIC 2 WREP water resistant, extreme pressure lithium complex grease for lubrication of their RoRo dynamic systems. With it’s best-in-class performance and environmental profile, this lithium complex formulation is ideal for use as a multipurpose grease in marine environments.