Go Further
Novvi’s pure and stable materials deliver options to meet the most difficult EV challenges, this means improved heat transfer, reduced friction, and enhanced wear performance so your electric vehicle is efficient and performs at its peak, longer.
Plus, these materials are 100% renewable and are compatible with your existing systems. That means you can get started right now in helping your customers achieve their performance and environmental aims.
- Optimized traction coefficients
- Molecular weight control to balance stability and wear
- Exceptional heat transfer characteristics
Novvi builds custom molecules that OPTIMIZE EFFICIENCY

e-Vehicle Drivetrain
Advancement in electrification has highlighted that off-the-shelf fluids are simply not going to cut it. Fluids are being challenged to deliver new and more robust properties, and Novvi’s molecules are designed to excel in these applications.
- Provide exceptional wear protection
- Increase range through friction reductions
- Meet the durability requirements of fill-for-life

Thermal Management for Batteries & Electronics
The importance of thermal management has been amplified with electric vehicles. New molecules and new solutions are needed to solve the biggest heat transfer challenges. Novvi’s fluids have demonstrated improved heat capacity performance through thermal conductivity and heat transfer metrics. We have the molecular control to optimize viscosity and stability to match your system requirements.
- Improved molecular structures for thermodynamic properties
- System compatibility
- New levels of performance control